Heiligenkreuz Abbey Wheelchair Accessible Tours Lower Austria Excursion
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Heiligenkreuz Abbey Wheelchair Accessible Tours
Immersed in the fairy-tale landscape of the Viennese forest, where silence and nature reign supreme, Heiligenkreuz Abbey wheelchair accessible tours, is one of the most evocative attractions in the vicinity of Vienna.
The Heiligenkreuz Monastery is an abbey of the Cistercian order, a reform movement of Benedictine monasticism born in 1098 in the Abbey of Cistercium near Dijon.
The wonderful cloister and elegant architecture make it interesting not only from a religious but also an artistic point of view.
It is today the second oldest Cistercian Abbey in Austria and the oldest in the world to have never undergone interruptions from its foundation to today.
It was built by Leopold III at the request of his son Otto, Cistercian abbot of Morimond, in France.
In 1188 Duke Leopold V donated a relic of the True Cross to the abbey, the largest north of the Alps.
Since 1983 it has been exhibited in the Chapel of the Holy Cross and is venerated by numerous faithful.
Heiligenkreuz Abbey Private Accessible Tours
We are providing a safe and a full Lower Austria accessible tours around previewed accessible itineraries. Disabled friendly accessible services includes professional guided tours.
Visit this rich and fascinating land with an exclusive private Heiligenkreuz Abbey wheelchair accessible tours with adapted van transportation specifically designed for wheelchair users tourists combined an holiday to across Austria.
Touring Heiligenkreuz Abbey
Since its foundation in the XII century, the first Cistercians called the monastery Paradisum, to indicate a life in union with the Love of God.
This philosophy of theirs is also reflected in the architecture of Heiligenkreuz Abbey.
In the Romanesque Gothic cloister, the hundreds of red marble columns represent the trees of Paradise and the capitals their branches.
From the cloister to the interior of the Church, to the squares and structures that make up the monastic complex, everything reflects the desire for harmony and simplicity.
It is truly pleasant to walk in these environments observing the details, immersed in a mystical atmosphere.
Booking & Travel
Heiligenkreuz Abbey wheelchair accessible tours, unmissable visit at it with our Lower Austria Wheelchair Accessible Tours.
Specifically tailored to wheelchair users, reduced mobility persons and disabled with an adapted van.
Austria Wheelchair Accessible Services

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Austria Wheelchair Friendly Accessible Hotels
Vienna, AV02
Vienna, Vienna 1060
Vienna, AV01
Vienna, Vienna 1060